10:00am - 8:00pm There’s always more to discover!
When we think about the creatures who dominate the animal kingdom, we often think of large, strong, and fast animals. But sometimes being slow, small, or weak can have its advantages! The Discovery’s newest featured exhibition, Survival of the Slowest, explores the often-overlooked species that have used their disadvantages to help them survive—and even thrive—in a world where the biggest, strongest, and fastest animals are often at the top of the food chain.
Survival of the Slowest allows visitors of all ages to get up close and personal with more than 15 live animals including a two-toed sloth, red-footed tortoise, green iguana, four-toed hedgehog, bearded dragon, ball python, and more!
This educational exhibition looks at the different survival strategies of a variety species. How can slow and steady win the race? Does bigger always mean better? What animals benefit from being weak rather than strong? This exhibition looks at the advantages and disadvantages to these different traits.
Visitors will learn how general biology concepts apply in the real world and how survival in the animal world is all about trade-offs—some are cold-blooded, others warm-blooded; some are adapted to need food less frequently than others; and some find unique ways to hide from their predators.
Animal feedings and presentations are offered each day with animal care staff on hand to not only educate and ‘wow’ museum visitors, but also to provide an interactive, hands-on approach to learning about, and more importantly, connecting with wildlife.
Survival of the Slowest is produced by Little Ray’s Nature Centres in partnership with the Canadian Museum of Nature. Little Ray’s is the largest exotic animal rescue organization in Canada and most of the animals in the exhibition are rescues. The exhibition is staffed by trained professionals who carefully monitor the health and well-being of the animals on display.
Visitors will marvel in this immersive, educational experience, but only for a limited time! Survival of the Slowest will be on exhibit at The Discovery through January 22, 2023 and is included with museum admission.