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In March 2015, The Discovery applied for a relatively new grant offered by Noble Studios, a Reno-based digital marketing agency. The grant program, entitled Noble Deeds, seeks to positively impact a local nonprofit organization and awards nearly $100,000 in pro bono digital services. In the program’s second year, The Discovery was selected as the benefiting nonprofit. The donation included a complete overhaul of The Discovery’s website, and marketing services aimed at improving the museum’s digital marketing effectiveness. Work began in April 2015.
The Discovery’s new website includes features to make it easier for the site’s users to find events and classes that will inspire them to learn more about science, technology, engineering, art, math (STEAM), and other subjects. The largest component to the new website is a Content Management System (CMS). Having a CMS provides The Discovery’s staff the ability to maintain the website without any HTML/CSS experience. That flexibility will translate into more relevant and updated content for visitors, ensuring they get the information they need and want about upcoming events and activities at The Discovery.
“This new site allows The Discovery to focus on engaging, quality content that speaks to its core audience across all platforms.” said Noble Studios COO and co-founder, Season Lopiccolo. “We are honored to work with a group that proactively encourages the minds of this community to grow and thrive.”
The five-member Noble Deeds voting committee’s primary goals are to elevate a regional nonprofit’s brand, make a significant impact on the northern Nevada community, and select the nonprofit project which best utilized all of the digital marketing agency’s services, from strategic planning, to design and development, to measurement.
The new site launched March 9, 2016. If you’re reading this post, you are visiting the new website! To experience some of the new features, check out the calendar of events (you can now filter by category, age group, and date!), featured exhibition, and the upcoming Social Science event.
Please let us know what you think of the museum’s new website. Comments and suggestions can be e-mailed to webmaster@nvdm.org.