10:00am - 8:00pm There’s always more to discover!
The Discovery is committed to serving our community by creating science inspiration even if you’re not here at the museum. We hope you enjoy this collection of fun, educational science learning resources! Keep checking back, as we’ll be adding new resources frequently.
The Hitchcock Project housed at the Reynolds School of Journalism at the University of Nevada, Reno includes animated science explainer videos produced by students. Learn more…
Enjoy a timely Science Snack from our friends at the Exploratorium! Learn why a solar or lunar eclipse doesn’t happen every month with this clever at-home activity. Learn more…
Elephants may not actually use this stuff on their teeth, but the chemical reaction from this fun experiment is guaranteed to blow you away! Learn more…
Have 24 hours free for science? This simple experiment turns a regular egg into a fun bouncy marvel! Learn more…
It’s a solid… It’s a liquid… No, it’s both! Use two simple household ingredients to create a world of fun with this non-Newtonian fluid. Learn more…
Reach for the stars with this homemade rocket experiment! You’ve seen our brilliant educators do it on stage, now try it for yourself at home with these easy-to-follow instructions! Learn more…
PBS Reno presents a collection of digital shorts that look into careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The videos are geared toward kids aged 9-15, but are also entertaining and informative for “kids” of all ages. Learn more…
The experts at the Exploratorium in San Francisco have curated a great collection of activities that use inexpensive, easily-available materials, offer detailed instructions and images, and provide a clear explanation of what’s going on. Learn more…
Take Care Tahoe is a group of more than 50 organizations that love Lake Tahoe and want to see more people connect with this beautiful natural environment. This page is full of virtual resources to help people learn more about the Tahoe Region, and why it is so special. Learn more…
When you’re teaching your kids about the big wide world, why not start in your own backyard? Give them a shovel and turn them loose on the path to learning first-hand about our planet’s rocks and minerals through your own backyard geology. Learn more…
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York offers a highly interactive area of their website designed just for kids seeking inspiration. Be sure to check out the Map which lets kids learn more about many of the pieces you’d see on a museum visit! Learn more…
Garrett Barmore, Curator of the W.M. Keck Museum at the University of Nevada is a rock star, literally! He hosts a weekly video series focused on earth sciences called “Mineral Monday.” Check it out! Learn more…
The experts at National Geographic are offering a free daily collection of quizzes, videos, science experiments, and even at-home classroom resources. Learn more…
In response to COVID-19, Washoe County Library System is introducing a new Instant Digital Library Card so that Washoe County residents can take advantage of the library’s digital collection while branches are closed. Learn more…
Google Arts & Culture boasts virtual tours of more than 3,500 museums and historical sites. Explore the world of museums from the comfort of home! Learn more…
Join Emily Graslie, Chief Curiosity Correspondent for the Field Museum in Chicago, for a YouTube series that explores the research being done at natural history museums around the world! Learn more…
Note: Some content may not be appropriate for younger learners.
Built in a matter of days in response to the current health crisis, Wide Open School helps make learning from home an experience that inspires kids, supports teachers, relieves families, and restores community. Learn more…
Howtosmile is your go-to site to search almost 3,500 of the very best STEM activities on the web. Learn more…
Mr. O from the Children’s Museum of Houston explains, in a fun and easy-to-follow way, how infectious diseases spread and what we can do to protect ourselves. Learn more…
The Exploratorium in San Francisco has put together a list of easy-to-do-at-home science activities to make sense of timely topics including coronavirus (COVID-19) and more. Learn more…
GoNoodle is a collection of YouTube videos designed to get kids moving to be their strongest, bravest, silliest, smartest, bestest selves. Perfect for when the weather isn’t great being outside. Learn more…
Even when schools are closed, you can keep the learning going with these unique, cross-curricular journeys designed specifically for students in grades K through 9th. Learn more…