Drive in, sit back, and enjoy a science blockbuster on the BIG screen. At this Science Distilled event, you’ll follow NASA astronaut Scott Kelly as he embarks on a 12-month mission on the International Space Station. The mission goal: chart the effects of long-duration spaceflight by comparing him to his identical twin, astronaut Mark Kelly who remains on earth.

Science Distilled: Drive-in for Science
April 19, 2025
7:30 – 9:00pm
All ages
Members: $5/$10
Nonmembers: $7/$12
Off-site West Wind El Rancho Drive-In Theater, 555 El Rancho Drive, Sparks
Featured film:
A Year in Space
Using data from identical twin astronauts Mark and Scott Kelly, NASA’s twin study is investigating the long-term effects of space travel on the human body. The results will be used to help get humans to Mars. Rating: TV-PG
Nonmembers: $7/$12